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My Movement Journey

I want to share how certain lessons, based on my experience in various industries, can be effective for everyone.


I understand the constant pain many customer service and food service workers endure. But I've learned that we can all improve our situation by understanding ourselves better.


Like many, I suffered from chronic pain, but I've managed to overcome it. This journey is linked to our life experiences and movement. My childhood was marked by limited physical activity due to a protective father. In my professional theatre career, I developed specific movement patterns, often ignoring pain. Years of standing in customer service roles worsened this, leading to various body pains by 2018.


Real change began with the discovery of Moshe Feldenkrais' Awareness Through Movement ® technique. Though initially skeptical, I realized that altering habitual movements could relieve pain. This was solidified in a workshop with Gisele St. Hilaire at the Okanagan Feldenkrais Centre. I learned the fascial pain in my feet largely stemmed from my shoulders and hips, and over two years, I resolved my chronic pain through targeted movement.


I've discovered that we often stick to the same movement patterns because they are familiar and they may be all we know.  We think there's no alternative to a gradual decline into discomfort and immobility as we age.  However, that doen't have to be the case!  I don't accept that just because people get older they need to get used to living in pain or give up on the activities they love to do. And neither should you! Once we are aware of our actions, exploring new movements can be surprising and wonderful.  


Now, as a certified Feldenkrais ATM practitioner and founder of Kinetic Quest, I aim to help others learn about their movement patterns to reduce pain and improve mobility. Join us at Kinetic Quest to start your journey towards a pain-free life and unlock your latent potential.


                          What have you got to lose?   ~   Explore the possibilities and see the difference it can make.


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