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What is a Movement "Quest"?

These group Awareness Through Movement® sessions, which we call "quests", are tailored to improve spinal connections throughout the body using small, slow movements.  Watch the video below from Future Life Now to see what a quest would look like.

Why are they 'Movement Quests' and not 'Movement Classes'?


I call them 'Quests' because the more you engage in these explorations with deep curiosity, the more value you will gain from the experience.  As a learner in this method, you're an active participant in your own journey toward finding a new way of moving and living that works for you.  In these quests, it is vital that you are the protagonist -- I am only here to facilitate your learning.


Unlike a class where the teacher demonstrates and the student copies, in our Movement Quests, the learner has agency over finding their own uinique way of engaging with the movement puzzle.  As the practitioner, I have been educated in 'many ways of doing the same thing'...I utilize my somatic knowledge and awareness to ask questions and direct your curiosity.  This facilitates a different type of learning, in which the learner finds that a new option emerges organically after guided exploration.


In the quests on which you embark, I seek to empower you.  In this technique, I hope that you will learn how to find options that will make you an expert on your own self-use, and therefore an expert on your own pain management.

What is Awareness Through Movement®?


Functional Integration on Side

Awareness Through Movement® quests are individual adventures, conducted in a group.  The students are guided by the verbal instructions of a certified teacher to make slow, gentle movements while paying close attention to specific parts of their body and their breathing. 


By paying attention to our bodies and our breath, and noticing how certain parts move more easily than others, what works and what doesn't seem to work, we increase our awareness of our own habits.  Once we are aware of our movement and breathing habits, we can decide if they are helping us or causing us tension or pain.   If they aren't helping, we can actively choose to use the new ways of moving and breathing we learn in the Awareness Through Movement® Quests.​

Awareness Through Movement® works with the nervous system to bring about change.

For example, is the way I have always walked the reason I have knee pain?  

If so, it is time to learn a new way to move.

Awareness Through Movement in Side Sitting

To make changes to those movement patterns, we need the brain to learn new ways and choose them over the habitual movements that are causing unnecessary tension and/or pain.


  • Awareness Through Movement® doesn't require you to be flexible, nor does it involve stretching or holding positions.  

  • It also doesn't involve any practice to perfect positions.  Instead, we explore small, gentle and innovative movements to become aware of habits that may be causing us movement difficulties, inefficiencies, tension, or pain, while also learning new ways of moving.

  • There is no need for regular practice of specific moves or intensive training to receive benefits.

  • There are no repetitive movements and no physical conditioning is required.


Even if you already feel great and that you are in peak form, you can still benefit from movement quests:  you can learn to do what you already do well, more easily, with less effort, so there is energy left over to go even further.


  • Weight lifters find the weights seem lighter.

  • Tennis players and golfers find their swing more effortless.  

  • Runners go farther.

  • Performing artists feel they can dance or play the night away.


​Students will often do the quests lying on the floor.  But if they have pain and can't lie on the floor, they can do the quest on their bed or in a chair.

Awareness Through Movement on a Chair

The quests often have applications to specific functional movements: 

  • getting out of a chair, 

  • sitting down into a chair, 

  • balancing over one leg more than another,

  • getting down to the floor, 

  • changing from sitting to lying on the floor, 

  • rolling over from your back to your stomach, 

  • rolling over from your stomach to your back,

  • moving from lying to sitting on the floor, 

  • getting up from the floor, 

  • walking, and

  • walking up and down stairs.


We all learned to do these activities as very young children.  What we may not have learned though was how to make these movements easy, while using minimal effort. But it didn't matter, because we were young and strong and our method worked.  Until it doesn't. With injury and/or age, these are often the movements that we start to lose.  Once we feel we can't move freely and easily, we begin to limit our activities and our world becomes smaller and we become more fragile.  

Kinetic Quest wants to help people of all ages and abilities improve their mobility so they become free to move and breathe easily, effortlessly, without unnecessary tension and pain.


This is accomplished by offering Awareness Through Movement® quests.


​In-Person Quests Offered in Vernon, British Columbia

Movement mats will be provided, as well as an opportunity to learn

and grow directly alongside other learners.

​These lessons can be attended live, in Vernon,

at Tidal Elements Healing Arts Studio,


with classes at 9:30 AM on Monday Mornings!




​​​​​​...and they are also offered every day, at multiple times of day via Zoom, where you can join from your own home.


Online Quests Offered Through Zoom

Connect with us from anywhere in the world via Zoom meetings and start your journey towards learning new movement pathway options in the comfort of your own home. Together, we will explore gentle movements that will help you discover new motor pathways.  This exploration can help you learn to manage your pain, meet your movement goals and achieve a more fluid and confident way of moving.


All Quests last an hour. 

  • Single quest: $15 

  • Three quest punch card: $35

  • Five quest punch card: $60

  • Six-Week Series (when available) $70

  • Unlimited monthly quests (membership): $65/month (no commitment required)

    • Other benefits to Monthly Membership apply, learn more about those benefits HERE​


One-on-One Quests Offered by House Call or Visiting Studio

It is now possible to book one-on-one hands-on quests, using the Functional Integration® service listed below.  Functional Integration® Quests are personalized adventures where you and I embark on the discovery of new movement patterns together.  Find out more about Functional Integration® Quests  by clicking here. 


Check out what we have on offer below --

don't wait to give yourself new options for movement, book a quest today!



**Please note you must book a quest in order to attend a Quest.

Stuck on how to book?  Learn more HERE.***

studio entrance.jpg


Learn more about our offerings here!

It is the brain that decides how to move our breath or move a leg or arm.  As children, our nervous system learned how to move and stored that information in our brains.


Over time, we developed habits in the way we breathe,

the way we walk, the way we dance, the way we climb stairs,

the way we sit, the way we stand, the way we get up from

the floor, etc.


Habits are an essential part of being human.  They allow our brains to not think through every single thing we do every day.  They help us survive.  


However, it is important for us to ask if these habits

are helping us or hurting us.

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